
Goblet Squats For Strength, Mobility and More

Goblet Squats For Strength, Mobility and More

The goblet squat is one of the most effective ways of simplifying a strength movement. See how I use it in my own training programs and why it should be a beneficial addition to your own training, even if you've already been squatting with a barbell.

Weighing In on an Article

Recently, the New York Times wellness blog psted an article about people seeking out more dangerous and extreme exercise alternatives. I have some thoughts about it.

New Year's Day 2012 Workout


Today was New Year's Day and I spent much of it at Mission Beach practicing some MovNat skills as well as some general playing around and trying new things. The following videos demonstrate some of the goofiness.

You don't have to go to Disney anymore to ride the Tea Cups!

The Wolf Run is just fun to do. Maybe I can justify it by calling a practice in horizontal triple extension.

We also did some variations of kettlebell carries, including farmers walks, clean rack position, and waiters walks. Some Turkish Get Up practice was also mandatory.

May 2012 bring you much success in all your endeavors.

Powerlifting and Bodybuilding - A Match Made in Heaven

It seems nowadays people shy away from the words bodybuilding and powerlifting.  I know this because I have worked with women, and as soon as you say the word bodybuilding or powerlifting they think a mastadon physique, accompanied by a hairy chest, and the voice of a viking.  Well let us address this.

Overhead Pressing: From Top to Bottom to Top

Once upon a time when men were men and Strongmen were legends, few people even thought of lying on their backs to press a weight. Putting weight over your head was the only acceptable way to demonstrate super human strength and impress the onlookers. Since the days of Saxon and after the introduction of nautilus machines and bench pressing, the art of pressing overhead has been all but lost. But there's hope yet and you can still learn to press weights and people overhead with a blatant disregard for gravity.

Meatheads in the Park

Last weekend I invited several other coaches and trainers from the San Diego area to meet with me in a park by the bay to eat pulled pork sandwiches, lift stuff, play on monkey bars, and talk shop. Despite not needing all 14 pounds of pulled pork and a whole gallon of dill pickles I had brought I felt it was a successful endeavor and hopefully the first of many to come. I'll recap a few points I took from a day of BBQ, comradery, and lifting stuff.

1-2-3 Squatting Made Simple

I’m gonna teach you how to squat. It won’t be fancy and we’re not gonna go through all the variations. Squatting is pretty simple, but its a hard test of your will when you start adding pounds to the bar. The problem is most people have really just forgotten how. I think this is where I'm supposed to put the obligatory cliche photo of a toddler squatting perfectly.