You’ve been training hard. You flip a tire like a mad man or pick up rocks like a crazy lady. And it’s about time you put that body and skills to the test against some others. This your guide to get finding a real Strongman contest in your area, signing up, and heading to the show.
How To Make A Tire Sled
Make a tire sled today so you can add these incredible conditioning exercises into your training program.
Overhead Pressing: From Top to Bottom to Top
Once upon a time when men were men and Strongmen were legends, few people even thought of lying on their backs to press a weight. Putting weight over your head was the only acceptable way to demonstrate super human strength and impress the onlookers. Since the days of Saxon and after the introduction of nautilus machines and bench pressing, the art of pressing overhead has been all but lost. But there's hope yet and you can still learn to press weights and people overhead with a blatant disregard for gravity.
1-2-3 Squatting Made Simple
I’m gonna teach you how to squat. It won’t be fancy and we’re not gonna go through all the variations. Squatting is pretty simple, but its a hard test of your will when you start adding pounds to the bar. The problem is most people have really just forgotten how. I think this is where I'm supposed to put the obligatory cliche photo of a toddler squatting perfectly.