
Strength Standards For Beginning Strongman Training

I’ll be one of the first to tell you there are huge benefits to incorporating strongman style movements and events into your training program. But I’ve also pointed out that depending on your goals and level of conditioning there are particular exercises which are inappropriate and more specific to competition than general strength or fitness. Strongman starts with strong, and as that implies, it is helpful to have some basic tenants of strength before going all out with strongman (or strongwoman) training and implements.

CA Strongest Man and Team Strong Made Simple

CA Strongest Man and Team Strong Made Simple

I'm still beaming with pride at the performances from everyone while we were there. Adam and I were competing in the <200 division and Ryan competed alongside the heavyweights. Each of the weight classes had a great showing of competitors both new and seasoned. I was especially excited to compete alongside Adam in his debut competition.

What's In My Gym Bag, Traveling to the Arnold


It's been a fun journey training for the Amateur Strongman World Championships at the Arnold Sports Festival. All the training and work is done and now I'm just stressed I may be forgetting to pack something. Strongman is a simple sport, but we use a lot of little things to support our performances. The following is my check list.


Top 10 Articles of 2012

2013 is almost here so that means a lot of looking back on 2012. Its been a good year for the Strong Made Simple site. There have been a lot of improvements not the least of which may be my writing. Here are my top 10 most viewed articles from 2012.

Developing Efficiency in Strongman For All Sizes: 7 Tips For Athletes Big & Small

This month I was given the opportunity to write an article for the Performance Menu regarding my unique perspectives on training and competing as a 175# strongman. I discuss some of the things that I feel are important for performing lifts as efficiently as possible as well as optimizing the heavy training to stay athletic, move well, and avoid injuries/overtraining. 

2012 Dallas Europa Get Fit Strongman Write Up

Two weeks ago I traveled to Dallas, TX for my first strongman competition in over a year. I was incredibly nervous and excited about my return to competing in the sport. ... I was going to be competing against a couple of guys, Kalle Beck and Mark Taysom, I had competed with then. And since then have watched their training logs and videos improve steadily. There were also some new competitors in the mix and my internet stalking proved to me they were no slouches either. Needless to say I didn't wanna embarrass myself and have my ass handed to me.