6 Ways to Get Stronger and Leaner Without Exercise

Not a huge fan of exercising? Don’t have a lot of time to exercise? Don’t sweat it (literally)- there are several ways you can get stronger and develop lean muscle without having to spend hours in the gym. Whether you are trying to keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders or you are nursing an injury, there are some simple ways to keep your body working for you. Set your body up for success and meet your goals even during your non-active moments by adding some of the following healthy tips and focus on building better habits into your lifestyle. 


Straighten Up Your Posture. 

Your grandma was onto something- posture is everything. Your posture is directly related to your core muscles: the muscles in your abdomen, pelvis, and back. People with a strong core naturally have good posture, so if you find your posture lacking one way you can improve it is by ensuring you keep your core tight when you’re standing and walking (not to mention when you’re exercising!) You’ll need to make a conscious effort at first to keep good posture, but eventually it will become second nature. And after a while, you’ll start to notice you have a stronger core and less back pain, not to mention you’ll look more confident and put together. Finally, sitting up straight won’t just make grandma happy, it can help your digestive system process your nutrients more easily as well. All of these things put together will make you feel healthy and strong, and you’ll look stronger as well. 

Eat protein-rich snacks.

If you are looking to slim down and develop some lean muscles, consider eating a protein-rich snack in between meals. Protein reduces your hunger hormones, and when you quiet the hunger hormones it will help you to make healthy meal choices and consume fewer unhealthy calories. Protein also builds muscle, so by adding a substantial amount of protein into your diet it will help your body develop muscle through your daily activities, such as walking, performing basic household tasks like vacuuming, and lifting general household items. 

Consume protein right before bed.

In addition to adding protein-rich snacks to your diet, you should incorporate protein into your bedtime snack. Research has shown encouraging benefits on protein intake, particularly right before sleep, as well as an array of body benefits. Sleep is huge (more on that later) and studies show that consuming protein right before bed could improve post exercise muscle breakdown and actually increase muscle protein synthesis rates because your body is better able to absorb the protein while you’re sleeping. This means that you’re helping your body to process the protein and grow your muscles, all while you sleep. Athletes have seen success by incorporating a protein shake with 40g of protein in it before they go to sleep at night. Check out this recipe for a fruit and kale protein shake that would be the perfect addition to your nighttime routine!

Get More Sleep. 

Speaking of sleep, remember the hunger hormones we mentioned above? A lack of sleep puts them into overdrive. By making sure you are getting at least 7-8 hours of restful sleep a night, you can once again quiet them down. That way you can stick to your meal prep and ensure you meet your goals because you won’t be distracted by feelings of hanger. And as we said before, your body is able to process protein better when you sleep, so that will also aid in muscle development. Finally, your body needs sleep in order to recover, so getting adequate rest will ensure you’re ready to face the challenges of the following day, regardless of whether that includes exercise.

Supplement with Bone Broth. 

Bone broth is rich in protein, gelatin, collagen, and minerals- all of which support healthy joints and muscles. It is also fantastic for your digestive tract. Protein supplement companies have wised up to all the benefits that bone broth brings to the table and have created many easy ways to incorporate it into your diet. Now there are powdered versions that are super convenient to add to your shakes, smoothies, or sauces.  No more slaving over a simmering pot all day- you can incorporate bone broth into your diet simply and still achieve the maximum effect. You can also try adding an egg, soy sauce, sriracha for an easy tasty soup.

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Walk Everywhere.

Just because you’re not in a gym doesn’t mean you can’t get in some physical activity to help boost muscle growth. Choose to walk over ride, and create opportunities for yourself to walk. Choose the parking spot at the back of the parking lot, instead of the front. Walk around the office on your lunch break. Skip the elevator and climb the stairs. Don’t swing by your mailbox in your car, walk there instead. If you actively seek out opportunities to walk, you’ll be surprised at how many there really are that we often skip in favor of convenience. And after a few weeks of a solid walking routine, you should see a difference in your weight and muscle tone.

Are you intimidated by the gym? Are you unsure of how to incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine? These are common concerns, but there ARE solutions! Here are 5 ways you can simplify your exercise routine so that it’s not complicated and it’s short enough to work into your day-to-day business, no matter how busy you are. And if you need a little bit more help, consider checking out a personal training session where a knowledgeable coach can design exercises that are customized for your specific needs.