
Strength Standards For Beginning Strongman Training

I’ll be one of the first to tell you there are huge benefits to incorporating strongman style movements and events into your training program. But I’ve also pointed out that depending on your goals and level of conditioning there are particular exercises which are inappropriate and more specific to competition than general strength or fitness. Strongman starts with strong, and as that implies, it is helpful to have some basic tenants of strength before going all out with strongman (or strongwoman) training and implements.

The Benefits of Farmers Walks and Carrying Exercises

The Benefits of Farmers Walks and Carrying Exercises

You need to be doing farmers walks and loaded carries. I can think of very few people that wouldn’t benefit from the addition of carrying something from point A to point B in their workouts. But you still don’t see them being done very often in gyms. Loaded carries are great for training the grip, building muscle, work capacity, core strength, coordination, and even improving function of the shoulder girdle. They really do offer something for everyone, and I’m not the only who thinks so.

Ditch the Treadmill, San Diego: Why you should exercise outside

Ditch the Treadmill, San Diego: Why you should exercise outside

San Diego, CA is home to beautiful beaches, cliffs, trails, and mountains. Average temperatures are between 57 and 72 degrees and there is typically less than 12 inches of total rainfall in a given year. So why are there so many damn treadmills, elliptical trainers and other indoor cardio machines crammed into gyms around San Diego? Aside from the fact that San Diego has so many wonderful options for outdoor exercise and conditioning, there are some other good reasons you should be ditching cardio equipment in favor of the outdoors.

Slow Down and Be Stronger

I usually like to tell people I have two main speeds, warp speed (plaid) and off. Anything in between seems to require a finesse that I often struggle with, but there's plenty of positives to slowing down what we do. 

Strongman: More Than Big Weights

I’m not your typical strongman. I compete in a category often referred to as the “little fellas.” My fellow competitors and I have to weigh in at a weight of 175# or less. We’re not exactly the gargantuans you see on ESPN. But if you are fortunate enough to witness one of our competitions you see some amazing ant-like feats of strength. If you have ever thought you were too small, too “normal” sized, or too average to compete in strongman or train like one, this story is for you.


4 Bodyweight Exercises to Improve Barbell Lifts

4 Bodyweight Exercises to Improve Barbell Lifts

Bodyweight conditioning proponents will always espouse the benefits of relative strength and muscular control, which is damn impressive. I love the circus as much as anybody. But what bodyweight exercises will improve your strength and help put bigger numbers on your barbell lifts? These lifts don't require a lot of time or specialized skills to learn but do just that when you don't have a barbell.

Weak Economy: Why Endurance Athletes Should Train For Strength

Weak Economy: Why Endurance Athletes Should Train For Strength

There's an evil misconception that circulates the endurance community. This false idea is the very common idea that strength training in heavy rep ranges and without any type of bosu ball will make endurance athlete's big and slow. Whether its runners, triathletes, rowers, or just about any other endurance athlete, it seems to be the prevailing notion that high repetition weight training and circuits are the only acceptable protocols to improve endurance performance through strength training.  And this is false.

Stop Warming Up: You're Not That Broken

I get that many people spend their days hunched over a computer or at least seated. I get that other people have their share of injuries that require just a little bit more to prep for heavy lifts. And I get that corrective and functional exercise is very en vogue as it allows you to play doctor with yourself and others in hopes of feeling better. But I DON’T get why so many people need a half hour for their warm ups.