strongman exercises

12 Loaded Carries With Kettlebells

12 Loaded Carries With Kettlebells

Need more loaded carries in your workouts? Here's a dozen variations you can perform with nothing but kettlebells. Not everyone has access to strongman equipment like specialized farmer's handles, but these kettlebell carrying exercises will add plenty of strength and conditioning variety to your routine. If you like being strong, healthy, and lean add some of these exercises into your program.

Loaded Carries with Dumbbells: Farmer's Walks and More

Loaded Carries with Dumbbells: Farmer's Walks and More

Despite the many benefits of loaded carries, they are often a missing movement from training programs. Carrying exercises are usually associated with specialized equipment like farmer’s handles and heavy sandbags without handles. But these aren’t really all that necessary to begin incorporating loaded carries into your training. Dumbbells, however, are available at most gyms with a smidgeon of self respect and that should be enough to get acquainted with loaded carries and create some significant progression.

Strength Standards For Beginning Strongman Training

I’ll be one of the first to tell you there are huge benefits to incorporating strongman style movements and events into your training program. But I’ve also pointed out that depending on your goals and level of conditioning there are particular exercises which are inappropriate and more specific to competition than general strength or fitness. Strongman starts with strong, and as that implies, it is helpful to have some basic tenants of strength before going all out with strongman (or strongwoman) training and implements.