Strong Made Simple, San Diego Personal Trainer

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26 Healthy Habits To Kickstart Your Fitness and Fat Loss

We’ve all heard the phrase “it’s a lifestyle change, not a diet”. It’s evident now that to truly make strides in your health you have to be committed, focused, and dedicated to the cause. You have to make yourself, and your health, your number one priority. There are no quick tricks, shortcuts, or side steps that will get you the long-lasting results you’re searching for. But, that doesn’t mean you have to do everything all at once or perfectly.

It can be overwhelming to make drastic changes to your lifestyle, and many people who go this route end up becoming frustrated and giving up before they really see results. But if you start by making small, yet consistent changes to your diet, your eating habits, and your lifestyle, you’re much more likely to stick with it in the long run. Here are some simple but effective changes you can start to make in order to get your health on the right track and ensure that your change becomes permanent and not trendy. You got this!

Start small.

Make 1 healthy change every couple of weeks and build from there. It’s way more sustainable and you’ll get more from doing one thing well than multiple things poorly. Once you’re confident in your ability to maintain a new habit or skill even when you’re stressed out, add another small habit.

Eat Breakfast.

Jumpstart your day and start off on a good foot. While many popular diets have you fast or skip the first meal of the day, many studies show that eating a consistent breakfast helps many people lose weight and maintain weight loss.

Wear your workout gear.

Throw on your sports bra or running shoes, and don’t take them off until you’ve had your sweat session. Some people even wear their workout gear to bed so they’re ready to go when their alarm goes off in the morning.

Get enough sleep.

Your body needs the rest time to reset and recover.  Not getting enough sleep can make you feel hungrier and significantly challenge your ability to exert your will and make good food choices throughout the day.

Meal Plan.

You’re much more likely to stick to your plan and meet your goals if you plan ahead. You can start by planning what you’ll eat for just one meal per day. Breakfast or lunch are both great ways to start. Even if it’s a prepackaged meal it’s still a plan and can help you keep your calories in check better than eating out at restaurants.

Stop wasting time on social media.

Use the 30-45 minutes you surf Instagram or Facebook to sneak in a quick workout. A short workout is a great workout!

Get in a routine. 

You will be more consistent with your nutrition and exercise if you have a set flow for your day- every day.

Don’t smoke or vape. 

It’s 2019, smoking is terrible for your health, and you don’t look cool doing it. Trust me. Not to mention it will make it much harder to meet your fitness goals if you can’t breathe during a workout.


Seriously, drink water, lots of it. It’s recommended to drink 8, 8 ounce glasses a day (this comes out to roughly 1 half gallon per day).

Pick up the weights. 

Don’t be intimidated by weight training! It will help you maintain lean body mass and get stronger. If you’re not sure how to weight train properly, consider a personal training session!

Control your portions.

You can have top-notch nutrition, but if you are eating too much you will still struggle to see results. Invest in a food scale and measure and weigh your food. Start by measuring out a few foods each time you eat them then progressively measure more. It will help you have a much better understanding of what portion sizes look like. Not into the scale? Start with this handy (pun intended) guide to portion sizes.

Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. 

The healthiest foods can be found on the perimeter of the grocery store. Avoid trolling the middle aisles that are stocked with processed and less nutrient-dense items unless you have a plan for which items you intend to cherry-pick from the shelves.

Shop outside the grocery store. 

Every single neighborhood in San Diego has a weekly farmer’s market. Hit those up for fresh, locally-sourced items. Here is a link to find more information about your local San Diego farmer’s markets.

Stand up and move around. 

Avoid sitting for longer than an hour at a time, especially after a workout. Wake your brain up and improve your focus by stretching or taking a short walk. If you’re stuck in an office, try taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Challenge a friend to a push-up contest.

Give yourself a break. 

Don’t let a small slip-up ruin all your progress. Just because you picked up that muffin or donut in the break room doesn’t mean you won’t meet your goals. Give yourself some grace and get back at it...don’t let one donut turn into a day’s worth of junk food. 

Clean up. 

Make your meal and put the food away after you’re done prepping. You are more likely to snack on food if it’s still out on the counter. 

Get in tune with your emotions. 

Avoid emotional eating by asking yourself “am I truly hungry or am I just sad/bored/etc.?” If you’re not really hungry, put down the snack and go for a short walk outside instead. Sunlight will do wonders for your mood.

Get a support system in place. 

Make your goals known to your inner circle. Everyone needs a little pep talk and/ or kick in the butt sometimes. That’s what friends are for!

Find your exercise niche. 

If you hate running, then don’t run. Find your exercise groove- something that you enjoy and look forward to doing. You're much more likely to stick to it if you're not dreading it. 

Expand your palate. 

Break outside your culinary comfort zone and try new foods. Try to pick up one new food each time you go grocery shopping.

Spice it up. 

To add more flavor without the calories, use fresh organic herbs and spices. Stock your pantry with everything but the bagel seasoning, sriracha, and any other low-calorie options that will make just about anything taste better.

Set boundaries. 

Every aspect of your life benefits from a healthy set of boundaries. Set some firm boundaries to protect your ability to reach your goals. Remember, you need to make your health a priority...if you don’t respect those boundaries, others won’t either.

Slow it down. 

Eat more slowly. Savor your food while aiding your digestive system by chewing your food more. It takes a while to begin to feel full, so slowing down helps you control your overall food intake.

Track your progress. 

Make a calendar. Use a fitness tracker app. Journal at the beginning or end of each day. Get yourself an old school star chart. Find whatever works for you and use it in order to track your progress and give yourself the credit you deserve. 

Reward yourself.

Recognize and celebrate when you hit a specific goal. You're much more likely to stick with the lifestyle when you celebrate your successes. 

Remind yourself of your “why”. 

When the road gets a little tough, just remind yourself why you are choosing a healthy lifestyle. And don’t forget, there was a time when you would’ve killed to be where you’re at now! Stick with it- you got this. 

For more information on making healthy and permanent lifestyle habits, check out our post here! And if you need a jumpstart to improve your fitness, be sure to check out our website and let us know how we can help you meet your fitness and nutrition goals! Can you think of anything we should add to this list? Comment below!